Personal Development
Putting ourselves first, practicing self care and exploring our personal growth doesn’t always come easily. From a lack of self esteem and an inability to let go of people and situations past to messy relationships with ourselves and others in the present, no-one said life was easy.
These one to one, intensive, Wellbeing sessions are specifically designed with you in mind. Your life, your experiences, your goals, your requirements. What works for some of us certainly doesn’t work for others. Inspire the individual in you today.
As a Personal Development Coach, my career background includes teaching, training, media, business and project management. Having worked as a journalist in the newspaper industry, I travelled and lived abroad before returning to the UK and offering a range of consultancy services before going into business.
Several companies and careers later, I believe what we have created may be uncreated. Re-invented to suit where we are right now.
Personal Development Coaching gives us the ability to focus; gain new insights and the ability to deal with experiences sent to challenge us proactively along with the wisdom gained from lessons learned along the way. Drop me a message and we can have a chat. I look forward to connecting.

Ruth offers ...
- Life Coaching
- Individual & Couples Coaching
- Career Coaching
- Relationship Dynamics
- Self Esteem Boosters
- Letting Go Techniques
- Lifestyle Solutions
- Stress Management
Our potential is limitless. It is not what we do or our labels that define us but who we are that counts. When we know who we are we have a much better idea of what to do to complement this. By working together, I show you how to start making positive changes to your life today.
Personal Development Coaching
Book for Personal Development Coaching to…
- Discover and release hidden potential.
- Achieve clarity where there is confusion.
- Transform hopes, dreams and aspirations into realities.
- Clear mental and emotional blocks limiting progression.
- Explore who you are now while staying conscious, present.
- Embrace change, personal growth and life transformation.
- Be the best of your truly valued self.
Are you:
Looking for a bespoke coaching service which is unique to you?
A coach who actively listens but also tells you what we need to do to build you better?
A coach who puts you first and walks with you every step of the way?
Would you like to:
Transform your life, improve on your strengths and transcend your weaknesses?
Have total freedom and flexibility to grow at your own pace without feeling you are being fobbed off or programmed to facilitate a generic set of goals which aren’t yours?
Have a coach you can check in with when you need to as opposed to being pigeonholed into scheduled sessions, with fixed duration times and no access to support outside of these?
Book with me to:
Start your coaching journey knowing that I am undertaking it with you.
Feel helped, guided and supported.
Know that you are not alone and will achieve results which will last a lifetime.
My coaching is for you if:
You are genuinely open to and ready to make the changes necessary to transform.
You want a coach who works with you and not against you.
You want to achieve results not through years of hourly, generic clock sessions but a few strategically tailored, ad hoc deep dives enabling you to transform.
My coaching isn’t for you if:
You aren’t as committed to me as I am to you.
You want to hear what you want and not what you need to grow.
You sideline home practice set to help you achieve fast results.
Why work with Me?
As your coach I am here to mentor, enable, inspire and motivate you as well as help you to grow on every level. My sessions are specifically designed with you in mind.
Together we develop strategies which work from the inside out. Most sessions include written materials as well as assignments. You are your own homework.
Sessions are organic enabling us to go with the flow. It’s okay to change what we do and how we do it right up to the day. Life stuff happens and we may want to go big on that until it’s scaled right back.
I’ll show you how to think creatively, feel intuitively and trust your gut instincts.
To discard old mental and emotional processes and work together as a team.
To find out more book a free introductory call with me today.
Don’t take my word for it. Read what my coaching clients have to say.
Relationship Coaching
Book for Relationship Coaching if you are …
- Struggling with self-worth, confidence and life esteem.
- Seeking to let go of people, situations and the past.
- Want help with career choices, addictive behaviours and lifestyle management.
- Looking to move on from an ex and heal past hurts.
You are not your story
Your personality was created by you for you
What has been created may be uncreated
Build a new you better
From chrysalis to butterfly, fly high
To find out more about my relationship coaching strategies for individuals and couples book a free introductory call with me today.
Don’t take my word for it. Read what my coaching clients have to say.
Spiritual Development
If you feel there's more to life than the material, are aware of a higher power at work and are focused on your spiritual being, it's time to shine like the star that you are.
Psychic Tarot
A Tarot reading takes you on a journey of self-discovery. Explore your psyche, thoughts, feelings, choices and potential outcomes through the wisdom of the tarot cards.